Title for Newfound Memorial Middle School Home Page

Principal - Chris Ulrich

Assistant Principal - Trisha Lewis

Phone 7448162 • Fax 7448037


Newfound Memorial Middle School guides students to become positive contributors to the community.  Together, we provide a safe & supportive environment that fosters the Core Values, & promotes critical thinking & problem-solving skills, empowering every student to achieve their goals.

8th Grade "Grad Walk"
Footage from Class Night, 6/17/24
Created by Mr. Frekot

6.17.24_2024 Grad Walk.mp4


June 13, 2024

Newfound Memorial Middle School will be hosting its last day of school field day. This year's theme is " Carnival!" Your NMMS Student Council and PTO have joined forces to put on a fun day for our students. We would love it if all students could wear Newfound Green this day as we spend it outside. We might even have the fire department there to make it rain in the field!

Who can participate?

Eligibility to participate in the Carnival Field Day requires students to not have any DEVELOPING or INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE in Literacy, Math, Science, or Social Studies. If they do, then a space will be provided for them in the building to improve their grades.

What activities are there?

The following games are being rented from Vertical Entertainment in Gilford, NH:

●Wacky Connect Four Basketball

●Football Carnival Game

●Baseball Carnival Game

●Viking Double Axe Throwing (Inflatable)

We will have other games set up for students to play including:


●Skeeball (Inflatable)

●Corn Hole

●Giant Jenga

●A Dunking Booth (What teacher do you want in it?)

What else should I know?

Students will be able to wander the field playing the games they wish to and spending time with their friends. Free refreshments and snacks will be offered to students throughout the day. It will end with a Staff vs Student Basketball Game in the gym. Who are you rooting for?

Since we are outside all morning, please send your child in with appropriate clothing for 90-degree weather (including a green shirt), sunscreen and plenty of water. 

Any questions? Feel free to contact Mr. Peringer at jperinger@sau4.org or Mr. Ulrich at culrich@sau4.org

For 8th Grade Students/Families

June 7, 2024

8th grade Class Night, rehearsal, and Wellington
This is a reminder that 8th grade Class Night is on Monday, June 17th, in the gymnasium at Newfound Regional High School.
The ceremony starts at 6 p.m. and will go until around 8 p.m. There will be an ice cream social afterward for our 8th grade students.
8th grade students should arrive at NRHS at 5:15.
On Monday, June 17th, we will also spend the morning at NRHS rehearsing for Class Night.
The afternoon will be spent at Wellington State Park, unless they are not passing their core classes (literacy, math, science, and social studies).
Students who are not passing their core courses will work with Ms. O'Rourke in the afternoon to complete assignments to avoid summer school.

Last Day of School
8th grade students are not required to attend the last day of school on June 18th.
If they choose to attend, they can either participate in the impressive field day being put on by our PTO or work on completing unfinished assignments, depending on their grades.

High School Transition Night Slides
For those unable to attend last week's Parent Transition Night, you can see the slideshow presentation here.

Bridge Academy
We have nearly 60 sign-ups for Bridge Academy this summer.
I cannot overstate the importance of attending so your child feels ready to start high school on the right foot.
You can sign up for Bridge Academy here.

Summer Enrichment Courses
There are a number of credit-bearing summer enrichment courses for our rising 8th grade students to participate in.
They are Exploring Nature, Fishing, Visual Journaling, and Tech Skills for Life.
You can sign up for those courses here.

Summer School
If your child is eligible for summer school, you would have received an email from Ms. Campisi earlier this week.
As a reminder, summer school will start on July 8th and will run until August 1st, on Monday through Friday each week.
The time for summer school is 8:30–12:00.

Chris Ulrich


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Thanks to students,  Miles Barney & Cylus Swain, for creating this screencast!

NMMS Weekly Sports