Check out the Midstep brochure & register
Subscribe to calendars below
Watch the tour of NMMS below
Join Parent Teacher Organization Committee (PTOC) Facebook Group
Check out teacher websites after getting student schedules
Register for Fall Sports
July 1 - August 4
Game and practice schedule can be found on NMMS' homepage,
on the NMMS Athletics site (sign up for the TeamUp schedule app when you register)
Sports Events,
Early Release & Vacation Days
will automatically be added to
your Google Calendar.
Thanks to students, Miles Barney & Cylus Swain, for creating this screencast!
Tour of NMMS, Filmed 2019
Some things may have changed, yet it is the same general area.
We no longer have green and white days, we follow the same schedule every day.
Some things may have changed, yet it is the same general area.
We no longer have green and white days, we follow the same schedule every day.