Ms. Randall-Tapply 

Ms. Randall Tapply is new to working at NMMS, but she is a great addition to our school! She is also very kind and helpful to not only the LMC but also the school itself.

About Ms. Randall-Tapply:

           Mrs. Kimball

Mrs. Kimball is back in the LMC for her third year but has been a Paraprofessional at NMMS for 23 years! She is also very kind and perfect for our school!

About  Mrs. Kimball:

Some of her favorite books!

Library Services!

Ask Mrs. Kimball for book recommendations, or Ms. Randall-Tapply for online research help! 

We'd love to get to know you!

-NMMS Librarians

Email either of us if you have any questions!

Ms. Randall-Tapply

Mrs. Kimball 

What We Have Planned!

  This year we are adding a new club, the chess club! Let us know if you have any ideas for clubs or anything else!

NMMS Online Databases and Tools

Library Resources

Click this document to access the library's online tools and databases! These links are useful for ebooks and credible research. All students and teachers have access to these platforms.